Comments on: The Singularity Summit 2008 Safeguarding Humanity Tue, 25 Apr 2017 11:50:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sohail Fri, 14 Sep 2012 22:07:52 +0000 Actually, the real cost of interstellar travel is either time+resources, or a drastic change in our understanding of physics. Right now, the energy requirements are not so much prohibitive, and impossible, for anything like FTL, and any other method involves generation ships.Travel into space is a tad less unlikely, though getting to nearby objects, other than the moon, is a tad more problematic. Their are ways, most of them are going to require someone seeing a way to make a big enough profit to do it, and spending stupid amounts of money on it. It would take a project like the one someone proposed a while back to link some part of Russia with Alaska, to provide non-flight means to connect to Europe. Possible, but the logistics, and the cost With space, its the same problem, any method we can think of that might work, like using a rail launch, to provide initial acceleration, to save fuel, comes with other costs, both in building and running it, which, without the government using tax money to fund it, no corporation is *ever* going to finance.

By: Recent URLs tagged Hofstadter - Urlrecorder Sun, 01 Feb 2009 08:16:15 +0000 […] recorded first by pcelica on 2009–01-24→ The Singularity Summit 2008 […]

By: hc Tue, 09 Sep 2008 18:08:11 +0000 Hmm, This is sooner than I thought.

If machine and humans reach parity at 2050; By Moore’s law, 18 months later, it’ll be double our intelligence. A mere 7.5 years later, or about 2057.5; it would be 32 times our intelligence.

Even if we assume it takes twice as long to progress; it’ll still reach 32 times at 2064.


By: Artificial-Intelligence » The Singularity Summit 2008 Wed, 03 Sep 2008 06:02:06 +0000 […] The Singularity Summit 2008The Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence has announced the details of The Singularity Summit 2008. The event will be held October 25, 2008 at the Montgomery Theater in San Jose, California. Previous summits have featured … […]
