Comments on: Geoengineering: A Cure for Global Warming Safeguarding Humanity Sun, 30 Apr 2017 09:06:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Solution King Thu, 01 Nov 2007 19:34:31 +0000 I have two quick fix methods, one reduces as much as 50% of ones utilty bill with a similar percentage for green house gas emissions,this method pays for itself by the energy one saves, the second method captures and stores a cities emissions away forever, both use old proven technology.
Now to find someone in power that is interested in action.

By: Vipin Wed, 03 Oct 2007 11:18:42 +0000 Now a day global warming controversy is very hype. NASA sciencetists completely work on global warming research. According the sciencetists after 30 year earth is completely effected by global warming.

By: » Geoengineering: A Cure for Global Warming Cosmetics Tests: Just another WordPress weblog Tue, 02 Oct 2007 20:49:06 +0000 […] [email protected] wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptTwo of Britain’s leading environmental thinkers say it is time to develop a quick technical fix for climate change. Writing in the journal Nature, Science Museum head Chris Rapley and Gaia theorist James Lovelock suggest looking at … […]
