Comments on: Preserving other species with whom we share the planet Safeguarding Humanity Sat, 19 Jan 2008 17:42:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: robomoon Sat, 19 Jan 2008 17:42:12 +0000 The Inflatable Reflectives Network turned into a blog. is going on with Vertical Growth, a report which contains an extraction and summary of the above message. Support with English language is appreciated as well.

By: robomoon Fri, 20 Jul 2007 21:09:05 +0000 Indeed, the horrible mass extinction of plants and animals is due to farming and further human activities of colonization. Many ecologically sensitive places in the countries were turned into arable land. Some of former arable land turns into deserts. But if you want to preserve endangered plants and animals and make their habitats secure, please be invited to support the Inflatable Reflectives Network. Actually, we need written english language support for the pages at Irnet.Info to edit the text of the articles and reports towards a better grammar.

Why? Because the Inflatable Reflectives Network can live without a manned lunar base. Space colonization is important, but there is neither a good microtech for a manned lunar base nor a good microtech for a large artificial base in free outer space. Self-replicating automata can be better, even when there is no nanotech that digests moon rocks.

It is far better to develop new ideas for balloons and airship instead of backing up living subjects of human civilization on the moon. As we know, mars is supposed to carry the necessary amount of hydrogen for a reasonable space colonization. Not the moon! So we have to drop manned projects on the moon for the sake of a cheaper robot technology. No terraforming on the martian biosphere, but an economic development of some underground biospheres on mars where our plants and animals can find their home.
