Comments on: More advice on best actions to survive a nearby nuclear blast Safeguarding Humanity Mon, 17 Apr 2017 05:27:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: jimmy Sat, 27 Oct 2007 21:34:16 +0000 well this is an example of a nuclear weapon doing its job, it doesnt need to be fired to have an effect. if a nation fires a salvo of nukes at another then as we all remember from the film “wargames” then all that will happen is the countries will destroy each other. possibly the greatest effect a nuclear armament brings is a psychological one.

By: Brian Wang Fri, 13 Apr 2007 21:47:57 +0000 The blog content is free. The discussion on what to do in case something bad happens is not dissimilar from the worst case disaster advice books. One of the more recent ones also covers some advice on surviving nuclear fallout.

They are charging for the book.
How are they or we fear mongering ?

Fear mongering is spreading discreditable, misrepresentative information designed to induce fear and apprehension.

How is the information discreditable or misrepresented ?

We are also are not telling people to be more fearful or apprehensive but pro-active and forewarned.

Are you saying that reading about the calculated and scientifically assessed statistical risks and situations has made you fearful and apprehensive ? Does reading about disease mortality statistics or violent crime statistics make you more fearful and apprehensive ? Does reading about crime prevention or steps for public health improvement make you more fearful and apprehensive ?
Is it just thinking about your own mortality that has made you fearful and apprehensive ?

Membership money is to support the organization and the listed projects.
Do you have similar concerns about organizations like Mothers Against Drunk Driving ?

Is it because we are discussing low frequency but potentially high impact risks ?

Would propose that we include some kind of caveats or warnings to go along with the messages so that people can help maintain perspective ?

By: randpost Fri, 13 Apr 2007 20:22:38 +0000 Fear mongering. $240 per year to prepare for a nuclear bomb? You gotta be fucking kidding me.
