Comments on: Israeli Technology Turns Radioactive Waste Into Energy, Glass Safeguarding Humanity Fri, 21 Oct 2016 08:00:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mishka Mon, 15 Oct 2007 19:10:28 +0000 After reading your website, i still have no clue as to HOW radioactive waste harms the environment

I, however, believe that nuclear power stations are a good thing in the UK

By: Darnell Clayton Tue, 07 Aug 2007 19:49:42 +0000 Hey Jim,

Sure thing! I’ll shoot you an email either today or tomorrow of who to contact about this.


By: JIM MACKEY Tue, 07 Aug 2007 11:17:19 +0000 I think I would like to know more about this low level waste with the PGM technology co done with Isreal and Russian scientists..I would like for someone to send me as much info as possible so I can brief a citizens advisory board on this important issue. Yes, baby steps indeed but great ones if we can get rid of all the low level stuff effectively.

By: Samantha Thu, 21 Jun 2007 02:25:50 +0000 With Israel being one of the top leaders in the technology industry I feel proud to be apart of a community who is actively supporting these Israeli-American start-up companies. I have recently accepted the opportunity to design a website and provide online marketing services for a company who relocated to America from Israel last year with the assistance of The Beachwood Chamber of Commerce.

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By: Darnell Clayton Sat, 31 Mar 2007 17:19:01 +0000 I understand what you mean Tom!

But remember, these are only “baby steps” toward a much bigger goal (removing ALL radioactive waste from our planet).

Hopefully similar technologies can be developed to even deal with coal ash, helping to at least extend a “comfortable” existence on our rowdy planet we call Earth.

By: Tom McCabe Tue, 27 Mar 2007 01:08:12 +0000 Except that this stuff is “low level”, ie, is usually not any more dangerous than uranium ore you can find lying around on the ground. So what they’re really doing is separating the radioactive elements from the nonradioactive ones. Oh, and if nuclear waste is bad because it will be around for hundreds of years, then what about all that coal ash which we produce, which is toxic, thousands of times greater in mass and will be around for ever?
